Ibanez RG IronLabel Series

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Giá Sản Phẩm:
0₫ - 32.600.000₫

Loại Sản Phẩm

Thương Hiệu

Đàn Guitar Điện Ibanez RG Iron Label RGIR9FME 9-String, Faded Denim Flat - Việt Music
Đàn Guitar Điện Ibanez RGRTBB21-BKF, Black Flat - Việt Music

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Ibanez RG IronLabel Series

With metal and nothing but metal in mind, we modded and tweaked until we got to the heaviest-hitting metal axes we’ve ever built. For ultimate playability, we took our legendary super-thin, ultra-playable Wizard neck, and upped the ante to a Nitro Wizard – just as fast and comfortable but with added road-tested durability. Whether it's a 6, 7, 8 or 9-string, every Iron Label axe is equipped with American-made EMG® or DiMarzio® pickups. Purposefully Spartan, you won't find a feature here that doesn't contribute directly to a bone-rattling and skull-crushing tone.
With metal and nothing but metal in mind, we modded and tweaked until we got to the heaviest-hitting metal axes we’ve ever built. For ultimate playability, we took our legendary super-thin, ultra-playable Wizard neck, and upped the ante to a Nitro Wizard – just as fast and comfortable but with added road-tested durability. Whether it's a 6, 7, 8 or 9-string, every Iron Label axe is equipped with American-made EMG® or DiMarzio® pickups. Purposefully Spartan, you won't find a feature here that doesn't contribute directly to a bone-rattling and skull-crushing tone.
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Viet Nam - Musical Instrument

Loại Sản Phẩm:

Đàn Guitar Điện |

Thương Hiệu:

Ibanez |